viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Hack a lock using a soda can!

Its simple, try it in ultimate instances

  1. Get a soda can.
  2. Cut a small square.
  3. Fold it like an "M"
  4. Use it to open the lock as shown on the vid.
Also feel free to rate the video and comment.

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Shaw dijo...

I don't think I will ever need to know this lol

Anónimo dijo...

That is damn clever.

rkabala36 dijo...

This is so interesting, never would have thought to do that.

1HipHopBlog dijo...

Very smart...

Kunta Jay dijo...


D3N00B1F13D™ dijo...

Wow Cool!

Followed you man!

Charles dijo...

I need to go try this now :]

luk4blogger dijo...

hehe will give it a try later :-D


Some Guy dijo...

shit lol im have to try this out some time nice youtube account 150k views nice bro

Jack dijo...

Nice man, I would have never thought of that otherwise.

The Hammer dijo...

This is really cool!

rivalcraft dijo...

Wow. So much for buying one of those locks!

Germs dijo...

Really useful information, might give this a try

eltipoedy66 dijo...

Next level stealing manouver :P hahaha followed!

trawler666 dijo...

Yeah, me and my homeboys will def use dis. thnks ngga

Mr. Maple dijo...

Can't wait to try that out.

menshans dijo...

I'm definetly going to try that out, great vid!

Steve from College DownTime dijo...

A couple mates and I did this last semester to a chick's locker combo. Worked perfectly

ruinz dijo...

wow wtf i feel so violated
How to Hack Life.

The Onion Gypsy dijo...

very interesting, cool post...+followed

Some Guy dijo...

Dude you need to do a new blog, ive been waiting for 2 days :D

Peanutzzz dijo...

Wow, nice..

-inastateofblue dijo...

Dude this is awesome LOL. Great post, thanks ;D

badscribbler dijo...

Reminds me of jimmying car doors.

mens dijo...

That's what I call usefull information!
Thanks man

HiFi dijo...

Haha, that's what I call urban ingenuity

Burndro dijo...

Dude! Wonder knowledge.

Carlos Alho H. dijo...

Very nice. I will try it some day, if I find this thype os lock.

Alven dijo...

RL Life hacks - love 'em!

todd dijo...

i had to use it at the gym!!! thanks!!

Coxten dijo...

Saw it on youtube, nice trick! More of those please! <3